Monday, August 15, 2016

RICE Therapy for Acute Injuries

For the benefits of those who still have no idea on to how handle recent soft-tissue injuries, let me share with you the advantage of RICE therapy and how it promote faster recovery. Anyone, particularly the athletes and other physically active people, can have muscle strain, ligament sprain, bruise, and other soft-tissue injuries. RICE therapy is recommended on acute cases, usually the first 24 to 48 hours after injury. It doesn't mean RICE therapy is already enough, especially serious injuries. Better see your doctor for proper evaluation and management, like drug prescription and physical therapy. RICE, which stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation, help reduce pain and swelling.

Right after the injury, take some time off from your activities. Stopping or limiting an activity promote faster soft-tissue healing. Remember, continued stress on the injured part will lead to further damage. If the injury is on the leg or ankle, crutches will help you move around without putting pressure on the injured part.
This treatment approach help control pain and inflammation. Icing works on reducing the size of the blood vessels, thereby decreasing the bleeding, the swelling, and easing pain. Never apply ice directly over the skin on the injured part, instead, wrap it around with a towel or any clothes. Commercially, there are cold packs available in medical shops. Apply icing for 15 to 20 minutes and repeat the procedure as long as you want. Icing works best during the first 24 to 48 hours after injury.
Compression,using a bandage, help reduce swelling as well as support to the injured part. Just remember not to wrap too tight to avoid cutting off blood supply to the injured area as well as more swelling below the affected area.
While applying the ice, like sitting or lying, elevate the injured part above the heart level to help reduce swelling.

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